Zombie in Love

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In third grade, students finished up a project called, "Zombie in Love." This was a writing project for Valentine's Day. Students got to create a newspaper article for a zombie that was looking for love. They had to think of things that a zombie might like, dislike, and activities zombies like doing. They then wrote it like a newspaper article and designed themselves as a zombie in their art! They worked so hard on them and they turned out so cute!

Sarah Christley

Second Grade Presidents

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Last week we learned more about President’s Day. We also filled out a packet about what laws they would make as president and why someone should vote for them. It was fun to hear their ideas and how excited they were to share them.

Carrie Mortimer

Learning in Speech

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

This month our speech therapists have been doing group lessons in the kindergarten classes! Each week they focus on a different sound by teaching the students how to say the sound in isolation and how to listen for that sound in all positions of words! 

This week the focus has been on the /SH/ sound. Every class practiced the sound as a whole group and each student had a chance to come up and fish for a word that had an SH sound! 

So much fun! 

Taylor Cena