Meet our new Mustang, Mrs.Owen!

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

We have round up some more Mustangs to join us at Meadow Brook Elementary. We are so excited to introduce them to you! Each mustang has their own uniqueness which they give to Meadow Brook! This is Ms.Owen. She will be teaching 5th grade! She is from Meridian Idaho.  Ms.Owen loves traveling, singing, and Indian food! She is obsessed with escape rooms.  Ms.Owen graduated from BYU and speaks spanish.  She has chose to work as a teacher because she loves kids and always thought teacher would be fun. She taught piano lessons and absolutely loved it.

Article by Megan Oropeza

Back to School Registration

Submitted by heather.balli on

A huge "shout out" to all who have already registered… thank you so much!  If you have not registered, please do so ASAP so we can count you in our enrollment numbers for Fall. Remember that all new AND returning students need to register. We need all registrations submitted by Wednesday, July 28th so that if needed we can hire new teachers before school starts.

 If you need help registering, please stop by or call our office Monday-Thursdays from 8am-1pm. We will have a Spanish speaker in the office helping today and next Wednesday, July 28th.