Fun Friday

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Every week the fourth grade classes get a reward for turning in homework. Lately, our whole class has been doing a great job turning in homework. So we have had three weeks of everyone getting to enjoy kick ball, four square, hopscotch, and art activities. We are a great class!

Diana Gonzalez

Dissecting Owl Pellets

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
This past week, 3rd grade dissected owl pellets for one of our fun Friday activities! A lot of them were pretty nervous at first and didn't really know what to think about the idea of finding rodent bones in a regurgitated pellet from an owl. However, from the picture you can see it didn't take them long to be fully engrossed in the activity and each one of them loved finding the different bones and pieces of what the owl might have had for dinner that night.
Austin Taylor