Fun With Fractions!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

4th graders are busy learning about fractions! We have been working on comparing fractions and played a fun game to practice finding the greater fraction. Students played with partners to explain and solidify their thinking.

Jessika Anderson

Decision Alley

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Open: The tomb holds the secrets of China's first emperor. Close: There is mercury surrounding the tomb, so what if there is something worse inside. Open: We should open the tomb, because it will help us learn about Qin ShiHuang's life.Close: We should keep the tomb closed, because there is a dead corpse inside.  Over the last few weeks we have learned about China's first emperor Qin ShiHuang. He left behind a great legacy. Students had to write an argumentative essay to persuade the reader to open the tomb, or leave it closed.  Ms.

STEM in 3rd Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Recently, we've participated in a lot of STEM projects. From creating Rube Goldberg machines to paper and tape tables, we've learned how to think creatively and problem solve. One of our favorite STEM activities was creating catapults out of popsicle sticks, rubberbands, and a spoon. This activity taught us how to work as a team, think outside the box, and use trial and error to create the most successful strategy. We tested our catapults to see who could launch a pom pom the farthest and in the end we all had a BLAST!

Morgann Wray

Be the "I" in KIND

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Oman’s class had a wonderful week learning ways to be kind to others and discovering the importance of being kind to ourselves. Each student chose to “be the I in K-I-N-D.”

Katie Oman

Utah State Symbols

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This week in Kindergarten the students learned about Utah State symbols. They learned about the state flag, flower, animal, and why we are called the Beehive State. Then they created a book with all the symbols.

Mari Kadish