3rd grade designs solutions to problems!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In 3rd grade we have been learning how to design a solution to a problem in which a device functions by using scientific ideas about magnets. Each team was given a different problem, such as, “Your teacher has some paper clips stuck on top of her cabinets. She isn’t tall enough to reach them. Your task is to design something that can retrieve the paper clips.” Students were given some items to use in any way they wanted-they could use some of them or all of them! Together they designed a solution and then tested their design.

Karen Thomas

First Grade Math Vocabulary

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
This week in math we've been learning about new vocabulary along with some new concepts. "This week we learned the words greatest and least." - Emma"We learned new symbols <,>,=" -Makayla"I like that we've been able to use our big whiteboards" - Kaden"In math, I like that we learn new things." -Ashton 
Alyssa Oldroyd

Ice Skating To Music

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In Music with Mrs. Blair we have been learning about Rhythm and Tempo. To practice, we listened to Vivaldi’s (winter) while ice skating on paper plates in the classroom. Fast and slow, loud and soft. It was a great time. We have some talented skaters at Meadow Brook. 

Sarah Blair

Learning New Skills

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In Computers we have been busy learning new skills.  Kindergarten has worked on iReady. They passed off logging into iReady without their cards! First and Second Grades have worked hard to pass off logging into the computers without their cards.  First Grade is practicing logging into the Chromebooks and are getting faster.  First thru Third Grades have gone on virtual field trips, practiced spelling words by unveiling a mystery pixel art, made an animation on ABCYa Animate and retold a story using Google Slides.  

Ali Vanpatten