Santa’s Elves

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

This month, third graders have been working on convincing Santa to hire them as an elf. They have worked hard to figure out the reasons why they would be a good elf and tell those to Santa by using their best handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and convincing words. They did such an amazing job! We will have to see if they were able to convince Santa!

Sarah Christley

Brag Notes

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Our students are not the only ones who earn brag notes. Teachers can now earn brag notes too. Here in the office we keep a stack of Teacher Brag Notes available for students who want to brag about the awesome faculty and staff here at Meadow Brook. Students can fill out a brag note and drop it into our Meadow Brook mailbox in the office. 

Ashley Porter

Music in Literacy

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

2nd grade had a guest speaker, Mrs. Harding. She is a composer and music specialist. She worked with the students to play instruments and listen to their sounds. We read Violet’s Music and the students played along every time there was an onomatopoeia in the story. It was a great way to make the book come alive and to bring a musical aspect into our lesson. The students hard a blast!

Carrie Mortimer