Computer Fun

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In Computers the Kindergarteners have been practicing mouse control, learning about what a computer is and parts of a computer.  We are getting better at controlling where we click with the mouse. We have been doing iReady and excelling at how to navigate iReady.  We earned our first Game Day!  We have fun playing games on the computer.  We are working hard to earn another game day!


Ali Vanpatten

Dissecting in 6th grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

For the last couple weeks, 6th grade has been learning about the importance of taking care of our lungs from repository students at UVU.  Two weeks ago 6th grade got to actually see and touch a healthy lung and an unhealthy lung. The students from UVU talked about what we can do to keep our lungs healthy by avoiding things like smoking. Today, the UVU students came back and the 6th grade students got to dissect a lung, heart, esophagus, trachea, and liver. They got to locate arteries and veins and learn about their purpose inside the body.

Brittany Mormann

4th Grade Loves Science

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
We have been learning about energy transfer in fourth grade. This week we investigated heat transfer by experimenting with the effects of speed, time and pressure on the movement of two objects. The students learned that the more speed, heat and pressure that is put into a system the more heat that is produced. We really are enjoying science this year by focusing on different phenomenon! 
Camie Simpson