Reasons for the Seasons

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Sixth grade students have been learning about the reasons for the seasons.  They were able to take data readings at four different globes for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.  Then, students analyzed their data to determine which globe represented which season.  Students also found that their data for the two hemispheres showed why the hemispheres have opposite seasons.  Students were able to prove through this lab why Earth's tilt and revolution around the Sun cause the seasons. 
Jessica Gregory

Creating Collisions

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

4th graders at Meadow Brook Elementary are building scientific reasoning skills and strategies through this year's SEED Standards. Right now are learning all about energy - how it transfers and what happens when objects collide. 4th Graders in Mrs. Anderson's class designed an experiment to test what happened when balls of different sizes and weights were rolled and hit a water bottle. They chose to use a beach ball, kickball, a little whiffle ball, golf ball, and a bouncy ball.

Jessika Anderson

Mrs. Wray's Class Is Becoming Expert Typers!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Wray's class has been hard at work learning keyboarding. Every day they practice their keyboard ettiquette and typing with their fingers on home row.  They even practiced with a paper on top of their hands so they could practice typing without looking at the keys. They're doing so well, they can now type 16 words a minute! 

Morgann Wray

3rd Grade Is Learning To Type

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Wray's class has been hard at work learning keyboarding. Every day they practice their keyboard ettiquette and typing with their fingers on home row.  They even practiced with a paper on top of their hands so they could practice typing without looking at the keys. They're doing so well, they can now type 16 words a minute! 

Morgann Wray