4th Grade Cup Pyramids

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Me and my class did a very fun, but challenging activity. Each table of 5 students made a cup pyramid. First, we all had a stack of five cups. We also had 5 rubber bands tied to a rubber band in the middle. We all had to pull on the rubber bands on the sides to get a cup. We all pulled the rubber bands to stretch out the rubber band in the middle around and onto the cup. Then, we let go to tighten it. We all then carefully lifted the rubber band and the cup. Then, we put each cup in place. When we were finished there were three cups on the bottom, 2 in the middle, and one on the top.

Kinley Miller

Nebo School District Teams Up with Beehive Library Consortium to Modernize Reading and Literacy Through Ebooks and E-audiobooks

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Nebo School District Teams Up with Beehive Library Consortium to Modernize Reading and Literacy Through Ebooks and E-audiobooks

Shared goal to promote digital learning in the community

Nebo's Infinite Campus Mobile App

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Download Nebo’s Infinite Campus Mobile App

The Infinite Campus App is the most effective tool for parents, students, and other community members to stay engaged and stay connected to critical school-related information anywhere and anytime from a mobile device.

The easy-to-use design app allows you to see what is happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process.

Campus Student and Campus Parent are designed to provide real-time access to student information.

Culture Day for 3rd Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Meadow Brooks third grade participated in our first culture day this last week! This is a fun and unique opportunity for our students to learn about different cultures and see the world through a different lens. This last week our students got to learn about Wales, England. A big shout out to Mrs. Pendlebury for taking the time to come in and share her personal experiences and life in Wales. The students especially enjoyed learning about the Welsh language and that there are currently more sheep than people! We look forward to the next month's experience and culture

Austin Taylor

Still-life Art

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This month in art we are learning about still-life art. We talked about what makes art still-life and learned a little bit about the artist Paul Cezzane. In kindergarten and first grade the students got to draw apples on a colorful table cloth like Cezzane. Second and third graders drew still-lifes of pumpkins and learned about shading. The big kids (fourth, fifth and sixth graders) drew a pot of succulents from observation and learned how all art is made of basic shapes. 


Jessica Goff