Johnny Appleseed Day

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

 On Friday we celebrated "Johnny Appleseed Day" with an apple graph and applesauce.  We got to taste each type of apple and vote for our favorite kind.  Yellow and green almost tied but in the end yellow apples were the favorite.  We created a 'pictograph' and then used that information to make a 'bar graph'.  We all had a lot of fun!

Karla Craner

Kindergarten Is Sorting Things Out!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Kindergarten has been busy learning all of our letters and sounds! We learned that ‘octopus’ starts with ‘o’ and we also learned the sign language for octopus! In math we’ve started sorting objects! We learned that there are many different ways you can sort! 

Lolly Hatch

Meadow Brook Fall Chalk Fest

Submitted by heather.balli on

We are so excited to announcement our first ever Meadow Brook Fall Chalk Fest PTA Fundraiser on October 9th. Our theme will be "Together We Rise." Chalking with be from 3:15pm till 6pm and viewing, judging, concession, pumpkins, and silent auction will be from 6pm till dark. Chalk blocks can be reserved from $20-$30, with an additional $5 judging fee. We will have some incredible prizes thanks to some wonderful local sponsors, so you will definitely want to be part of the judging competition.

Reasons for the Seasons

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Sixth grade students have been learning about the reasons for the seasons.  They were able to take data readings at four different globes for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.  Then, students analyzed their data to determine which globe represented which season.  Students also found that their data for the two hemispheres showed why the hemispheres have opposite seasons.  Students were able to prove through this lab why Earth's tilt and revolution around the Sun cause the seasons. 
Jessica Gregory