Giving Tree

Submitted by heather.balli on

If you would like to help a student, or family, for Christmas, we have a few more ornaments left on our Giving Tree. Thanks!

Cultures and Traditions

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

This  week Kindergarten has been learning about different cultures and traditions. A couple parents came to the school to share about their families cultures or traditions. The kids loved getting to know each other some more and learning about new cultures and  traditions!

Emma Farmer

Kinder Screening

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

It's that time of year screenings! Every December, your Meadow Brook SLPs screen every single kindergartener to make sure that their speech and language skills are where they should be. We wait until December so that our new little friends have some time to adjust to what school life is like. Now that they have their feet under them, we want to make sure none of our friends are missed in receiving some specialized intervention if needed. We love our kindergarteners. Happy kinder screenings! :) 

Savanah Calton

Working Hard in Reading

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In fifth grade, we have been working really hard on reading. We have been focused on trying to read 100 books as a whole class with each person participating. We have currently read a whopping 267 books! We earned a Murphy (Mrs. Nelson's puppy) Party and got to play with our unofficial class mascot. We are loving seeing how much easier reading is getting as we practice at home! We even had a read-a-thon and loved every second of reading in our forts! Fifth grade is going through fifth grade with our noses in our books and smiles on our faces!

Elennah Nelson


Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Teamwork is an important part of being successful at school! Miss Jacklin’s class has been practicing teamwork by building cup towers together! We love seeing how tall our cup tower can get and we know the more we work together the easier it is!

Janey Jacklin