Hot Air Balloons in Sixth Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Sixth graders designed and began constructing hot air balloons today. They worked in groups to thoughtfully consider successful designs and had fun putting their plans in action. We are looking forward to launching the hot air balloons on Friday!

Jessica Gregory

Teachers Back at School

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Last week, Meadow Brook teachers began their school year with an Opening Ceremony that was presented by Meadow Brook students.  We then had the chance to hear from our fabulous superintendent, Mr. Nielson, who spoke about discoving the POWER within ourselves.  We then ended our week meeting our Mighty Mustangs at our Open House.  All teachers are excited for this upcoming year.  

Sarah Ledingham

Sign up HERE for 6th Grade Orchestra

Submitted by heather.balli on
Hello! If you haven't signed up for orchestra yet there is still time to do so! I'm very excited to meet my new students and begin the new school year. Here is an online form you can fill out so I can get all the info into my system. As a reminder, orchestra is at 8:00am TTH and every other Friday. I'll be giving you a calendar so you'll know which days to come and when we start class. The cost is $75 for the year, payable to the front office.