Students go Fishing

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Students in our Special Education class were able to participate once again in a fishing experience brought together by Fish and Wildlife and an army of volunteers at Salem Pond.  Students recieved a hat to protect them from the sun.   Lunch was provided to each participant by Fresh Market.   Every student was able to take home a real fish that they reeled in from the waters and a highlight was meeting Smokey the Bear!


Sherri Madsen

Technology in Second Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This week in second grade we are practicing using the Chromebooks for a top secret project! We learned how to login to their emails and all about google docs!  The students are excited to be typing up a final draft and practice the skills they will be using in third grade when they have their own Chromebooks. 

Katie Carrick

Second Graders Learn About the Golden Spike

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

I learned that the Golden Spike was the last nail that they put in. The Central Pacific was the slowest one.  They were known as the turtle.  The Union Pacific were really fast.  They were known as the hare.  Based on the story, "The Turtle and the Hare".  The hare was the fastest and turtle was the slowest.  It was really hard for them to build the whole train track.  They probably had to make a hole in mountains.  They had to break down some trees.
