Kites in First Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

After reading The Adventures of Frog and Toad the Kite, students in Mrs. Brickey’s class created their own kites and tested their flying. 

Kirstie Brickey

Teachers Participating in PD

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

CA few teachers had the opportunity to attend a couple of professional development conferences throughout this school year. It was a fantastic and uplifting experience. We got to collaborate and connect with many teachers across the district and BYU, as well as getting to know each other better. We all came away from the conferences with many ideas to improve our own teaching practices as well as improvements for the school as a whole. It was a highlight to our year!

Marina Irwin

Speech and Language in Preschool

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Being able to communicate helps children make friends, learn, and enjoy life to the fullest. Talking, understanding others, and knowing what to say are really important skills for preschool children to learn.  

Ways to Help Encourage Language Development at Home


Trisha Taylor

Ancient Romans Game

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Tabula is a game invented by the Ancient Romans. Mrs.James’s class has been working on making their very own Tabula game boards. The Tabula game board is actually very similar in appearance to other games, like Monopoly, or Trouble. There is a symmetrical diamond on the board that is done by measurement. Then in each individual corner there is something that represents the ancient Roman culture. Then in the diamond there are Roman numerals: six on each angle of the triangle counting all the way up to 24.

Hayden Marshall