Chalk in First Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
This year we learned about some uses of rocks.  For a Fun Friday, we MADE OUR OWN CHALK!  We had to mix it and pour it into molds and wait 2 WHOLE WEEKS for it to dry.  Last Friday, we finally got to go out and draw with our homemade chalk and then we got to take our chalk home!  The students had so much fun creating designs. 
Karla Craner

Science in 3rd Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This Term, as a third grade, each teacher has been rotating to each 3rd grade class to teach a specific science unit. In one of the units, students have learned about different types of forces of motion and how they are used regularly in everyday activites (pull, pull and gravity.) In the Force and Motion unitt, students have also learned how to identify different types of simple machines and and the forces of motion they use. At the end of the unit, to assess what students have learned, students were asked to design and create their own catapults.

Aubrey Hillam

Math in 5th Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Miss Ledingham taught hour class math this week! When she was teaching our  class she did with so much excitement and made all of hour class have so much fun and lets us give our opinion. She gives us help wherever we need it and when she needs help she ask us for help. What she taught us is all about polygons. Triangles and the angels and sides of triangles and she taught us to make a triangle also taught us about is scalene, isosceles, equilaterals. She taught us about quadrilaterals like trapezoids, parallelograms, rhombus, rectangles, squares.

Jaquelynn Moreland