Saying Good Bye For Now

Submitted by lena.bird on

Saying 'good-bye' is not easy!  There were lots of tears and hugs today as teachers and students said their final good-byes. We've had a great school year!

Mustangs- we hope you have a safe and happy summer and we'll see you in fall!  Remember, "we love you, we believe in you, and you are destined for greatness!"


Mystery Class Winners

Submitted by lena.bird on

It was hard, it was frustrating, but after 4 months, in Meadow Brook elementary, Mrs James’s class was on the list for the 6th grade gold medal winners for Mystery Class! How? Let's rewind all the way back:

In January, Mrs James introduced the challenge, and how there were 10 mystery cities they needed to find. Most people would turn down the chance, but Mrs James’s class pushed right ahead and said they would do it.

Mrs. James’s Class Wins Gold in the Mystery Class Challenge

If The World Were A Village

Submitted by lena.bird on

The 3rd grade students have been working so hard for the last 2 months to share things that they have been learning from other cultures of the world! We celebrated this through song, theater, and dance at our program on Friday, April 20th. Throughout the months of the school year, parent volunteers have come to share their love for a culture and country they have visited or are from. We learned so many amazing things this year, and would like to thank all of those who were able to teach us such cool things!

Karen Thomas