October Third Grade Culture Day

Submitted by lena.bird on

This month for our 3rd grade culture day we learned about the countries of Canada and Scotland. Did you know that there are two official languages in Canada? That means that kids there learn English and French in school! We also learned that one of their favorite sports is hockey! During the winter the lakes, ponds, and even driveways are turned into hockey rinks. Another thing about Canada is that they never wear shoes indoors. 

Sarie Larsen

October Superhero Assembly

Submitted by lena.bird on

This month we recognized many wonderful superheroes in our school and community.  Congratulations to Miss Ledingham and Mrs. Finlinson.  They are superheroes at Meadow Brook because they are so positive and happy and they are always helping the students and staff with whatever is needed!  We also want to congratulate all of our amazing student winners for making great choices.

Ghosty Grams

Submitted by heather.balli on

Ghosty Grams 

October 23 – 31

Sold on the stage: in the morning and lunch time

1 for  .25 cents or 5 for a $1.00

$4.00 for entire class


We will have a table set up at the Halloween parade too!