6th Grade Students Build Hot Air Balloons

Submitted by lena.bird on

Sixth grade students at Meadow Brook Elementary worked hard to build hot air balloons. They were only given 24 pieces of tissue paper, a glue stick, scissors, ruler, pencil, and a notebook to make the balloons with. They were also told that some ideas may not work, but that is how you learn the most.

 First, the students formed groups. Our group came up with Sailing Sea theme for our hot air balloon. It was shaped like an upside down water bottle. Each group had to  pass off their team’s design to their teacher.

Jakob (6th grader)

Class Party

Submitted by lena.bird on

Mrs Peterson's 2nd grade has earned their first class reward! They had a stuffed animal party, where they enjoyed reading to themselves or their fluffy buddy during their read to self time!

Morgan Peterson