Wellness room

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Meadow Brooks Wellness Room serves as a sanctuary within our school environment, offering a safe and nurturing space for young students to address their physical and emotional well-being. This dedicated room is thoughtfully designed to provide a range of essential resources, such as cozy seating, calming decor, and age-appropriate mindfulness activities, which empower children to manage stress, anxiety, or emotional challenges effectively.

Johnny Ledesma

Sounds in Preschool

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

The preschool students are learning about the K sound in their speech group lessons this week. They listen to a story full of this sound, then each get a turn to pick a “cow spot” and practice the word on it, then stick the spot to the cow. There have been a lot of good K sounds coming from these students! 

Elizabeth Cope

Elevation Trail

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

This year our school’s theme is “Elevate.”One way our fourth graders have helped elevate others in the school is by creating “Elevation Trail.” As people walk down the fourth grade hallway, they can read the positive messages written on the rocks and be uplifted. Our fourth graders had a fantastic time creating these elevation rocks and did a great job!

Alexis Christensen

Third Graders Set A Class Motto For The Year

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

As the new school year began, Ms. Thomas’s students took time to create a powerful class motto together. We created our motto based on how we show respect to ourselves, others, and our school. Brainstorming ideas was fun and we are so proud of the phrases we came up with together! We will state our motto daily and try to live closely by it this year! Here’s to an amazing successful year!

Karen Thomas