Last week for Kinder

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Kindergarten has had a blast in their last week of school! We celebrated with a teddy bear picnic, water day, and reading carnival. We sure will miss our kindergarteners but are so proud of all their hard work this year! We will see you in first grade! 

Brittany Dean

Space Day in Second Grade

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Students in 2nd grade got to learn about gravity on space day! They were able to create astronaut parachute men and find the different ways gravity affects the speed of the falling object. They had so much fun! 

Janey Jacklin

Utah Program

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

The 4th graders worked hard to put together the “Utah…This is the Place Program!” They preformed for the school and for their parents and did such a great job! We are so proud of all their hard work!

Alexis Christensen

Annual Kids Fishing Day

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Mrs. Anderson's class participated in the annual kids fishing day at Salem pond! All of the kids got to catch a fish and take it home! Some of the students even cooked them with their parents! After fishing, we played at the park together. It was such a fun day with so many other kids around the county! 

Jess Anderson