Working hard in Computers

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In computers, we finished our animal reports. The second grade created a slideshow to present on their animal habitat day. They learned how to type text in the text box, add images, crop images into circles and add a border. The slideshows turned out amazing! Great work! The third through fifth grade created a slide on an endangered animal. They learned how to insert an image, crop the image into a circle, add a border to the image, change the font and color of the font and insert bullets. They worked hard. Their slides look fantastic. First grade decorated an egg.

Ali Vanpatten

Making Bucket Lists

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Summer is almost here! Second through fifth grade we created a summer bucket list video on Adobe Express. They inserted images, added text, added music and designed each page. They turned out so awesome. There are so many fun things that will be happening during the summer. Kindergarten and first grade earned a mini game day. They have been working so hard. 


Ali Vanpatten

The Hamburger

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In speech, the students love to keep track of where they are on “the hamburger” and are always excited to move up a level. This hamburger represents the hierarchy that is followed when working on speech sounds. The students first learn tongue placement for a sound and practice it in isolation, then move into syllables, words, phrases/sentences, reading, and then conversation. To reach mastery of one level and move to the next, a student has to get at least 90% accuracy on that level for 3 consecutive speech sessions.

Elizabeth Cope

3rd Graders Explore Life Cycles

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

This week the Thanksgiving Point Life Cycles Outreach program came to visit our 3rd grade classes to teach students science skills. This amazing presentation directed our students in making science models, life cycle observations, and a dissection of a tulip bulb! The students were so engaged and had so much fun!

Karen Thomas