First Grade Chalk

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

First grade got to make chalk last Friday! We learned about where it comes from naturally, as well as, how it’s made in factories, and then we had lots of parents come and help make some for ourselves. When it’s done drying, we are going to try it out and see how it compares to the chalk we can buy at the store.

Kailyn Issertell

Parents and Patries

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Parents and Pastries is tomorrow at 8:45-9:30 AM in the gym. Come and enjoy a book and donut with your student! Also check out our book fair before school, during lunch and after school. We can’t wait to see you! :) 

Sound Wall

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In speech, we reference our sound wall a lot as students learn how to make different sounds. Each sound has a name and an action to help students remember it better. The speech teachers use the names and actions frequently to cue students, and students use them to cue themselves as well. 

Elizabeth Cope