Word Surgery

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Miss Jacklin’s class has been hard at work this week performing “surgery” when creating contractions from words! They worked on taking two words and making a new shorter word!

Janey Jacklin

Minute to Win It

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Each term Meadow Brook students are rewarded with a fun activity for having good behavior at school. For term 2 Fourth Graders earned Minute To Win It Games. Each student got to participate in a game to help their team be the winner. There was cup stacking, balloon popping, marshmallow throwing, and cookie eating, just to name a few of the events. Fourth Grade teachers love to have fun with our students, especially when we get to celebrate their good choices!

Jessika Anderson

Reading Fun in Mrs.Andersons

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

We have been reading the magic tree house book about Ancient Egypt! To go along with all the learning from this book, We studied the habitat of the desert! Each student got to write and draw something that we learned for our poster! 

Jess Anderson