Nebo Community School Winter 2023

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Nebo Community School classes are here. The classes will begin in January, so join a class to help those winter blues. This is an amazing opportunity to expand your horizons and improve your abilities. The goal of the Community School Program is to meet the needs and interests of the people in the community. There are many course options to choose from, recommendations are encouraged. We would love to see you there!

Validating the Emotion Without Condoning the Behavior

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Dealing with concerning behaviors can be difficult for parents of children with disabilities. Many parents struggle knowing how to truly validate or connect with their child during a crisis without first resorting to some kind of negative consequence or punishment.

Join us to learn life-changing parenting techniques that will show you how you can emotionally connect with your child all while teaching them appropriate behaviors.

Sharing Musical Talent

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Last month 2nd grade had a visit from Mrs Peterson’s dad, Mr Murdoch! Each year he visits, he shares his musical talent with a few instruments, and discusses the importance of sticking to learning a new talent! 

Morgan Peterson