Reading Carnival

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Students worked hard and earned carnival tickets by reading each day. Students made a goal to read at least 20 minutes a day. At the end of each week they would earn a ticket if they read each day and even had opportunities to get bonus tickets. We are so proud of our mustangs. Students had fun playing pie face, twisted, bowling, putting their tickets in raffles and popsicles in the sun. Our amazing technicians were so helpful and spent the day outside tending the carnival spots. Students had so much fun! 

Charlottes web

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Mrs.Oman’s class had a wonderful day comparing Charlotte’s Web book to the movie. In addition we created web art and had yummy treats.

Katie Oman

Last day of preschool

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

The last day of preschool we had a pirate party and got to be pirates for the day. We ate popcorn and watched a pirate movie and helped the pirate find the hidden treasure. We even got to play with pirate ships this month. We had so much fun pretending to be pirates for the day!

Trisha Taylor


Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Ms. Craner's class enjoyed doing a Pirate Break-out during our Pirate Day on Friday!  Break-outs require students to use their higher-level thinking critical problem solving skills to figure different puzzles to get the right code to unlock the locks .  They have learned to work together so well as teams to help each other!

Karla Craner