“I have a Dream”

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Mr. Haslam’s class has been working on a Martin Luther King writing and art assignment. The kids got to learn about all of the great things Dr. King taught us. Then the kids got to write about what they have learned and then they got to do and art assignment of Dr. King. This has been Mr. Haslam’s favorite assignments he has been able to teach. 

Kevin Haslam

Thank you to our lunch staff

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Meadow Brook Elementary has a group of dedicated, hardworking, thoughtful, heroes who do not wear capes. These heroes give students what they need on a daily basis. We are so appreciative of our incredible lunch working staff. Thank you for all you do and for the love you put into the work on a daily basis. Thank you for giving everything you have on days you are understaffed. It does not go unnoticed. 

Pierre the penguin

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

This week in library we read the true story, Pierre the Penguin, by Jean Marzollo. Pierre was an African Penguin who lived in a penguin colony at a California museum. One day he got sick and started losing all his feathers, and nothing seemed to help. Pierre was shunned from his colony and stranded on dry land, until his caretakers came up with an ingenious solution to help him get back in the water and on the road to recovery.

Erin Jolley