Shapes in 2nd Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Second grade is working on their shape unit this week. Mrs Peterson’s class started by organizing shapes. They were each given a bag of shapes to organize in their own way. They organized by shape, size, sides, and angles. They decided that the most efficient way to organize them would be by angles and sides. They also were able to identify shape names that go along with their sides and angles. They learned about quadrilaterals, triangles, pentagons, octagons, and hexagons. Their challenge was to see where they see these shapes in their everyday lives!

Morgan Peterson

Social Studies in Fourth Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This week in fourth grade we started our research projects on the Native American tribes of Utah.  The students are working in small groups to prepare PowerPoint presentations they will share with their class. We are very excited about the program we will do for parents on May 10th!

Camie Simpson

Centers in Kindergarten

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Our Kindergarten centers are independent and fun!  We work hard to practice the skills and strategies we've learned in group lessons.  We have the opportunity after our core subjects are mastered, to play and practice social skills along with accepting challenges in STEM and creative arts.   It is also the perfect time for our wonderful Parent Volunteers to join in the fun!  We are so grateful for our amazing parents and grandparents that give their time and effort to help us grow.

Jennifer Wimmer

Teamwork in Third Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

We learned all about teamwork in 3rd grade at our Fun Friday last week! Our goal was to stack a pyramid of cups without using our hands-only using rubber bands. At first we couldn’t talk at all, and that was pretty tough! We soon learned to use our bodies to communicate, to have patience, to listen to others’ ideas, and to work together as a team to accomplish a goal!

Karen Thomas

Graphing in 2nd Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Second grade has been learning about graphs. They got the opportunity to us their math, writing, and art skills in a project about the best parts of spring. Students created a line plot and picture graph to show what their favorite part of spring is. They also got to write an opinion paper and create a watercolor kite!

Katie Carrick

After School ASL Class

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Our after school clubs started yesterday. In Mrs. Funes’ class we are learning American Sign Language also known as ASL. Today we learned how to sign the alphabet and how to greet someone and respond. It’s exciting to see so many students excited to be learning a new language and more about the deaf community!

Tayva Funes

Electricity in 5th Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

For our electricity science unit, we made electricity game boards. Our game boards worked by touching a wire to a brad and if you answered the question correctly a tiny light bulb would light up. This worked because we had foil on the back of the game board acting as wires for our game. We used a battery as our power source, and with wires we lit up the light bulb when the player touched the correct answer with the correct question. We decorated them in different ways with different themes. Some examples are; food, Disney, cats, video games, etc.

Article Written By: Laura Ralston and Kayden Bott