Sixth Grade Science Fair

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

On January 24th, 2019, the Meadowbrook 6th grade students had a science fair. They’ve been working on it for about a month. They had a chance to display their boards while younger students came in to look at them. It was a very successful science fair. Everyone worked hard on their boards. Congratulations to those who are moving up to the next level! Younger students, hopefully you have a lot of good ideas for when you are in 6th grade and you get to participate in the science fair!

Katalina Flores

Dental Presentation in First Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
To celebrate National Children's Dental Health Month, First Grade was fortunate to have some puppeteers come and explain to us why it's important we brush our teeth."We need to brush our teeth so we don't have plaque and cavities." -Aaron"We have to brush our teeth so we don't have stinky breath!" -Tomas"Soda will rot your teeth!" -Liam
Alyssa Oldroyd

Hogle Zoo Visits Meadow Brook

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

2nd grade was honored with a visit by the Hogle Zoo education program. They were able to become scientists for the day to solve where samples of animal furs, plants, dirt, pictures and more cane from. They found that the different samples came from two different habitats that we have in Utah, the wetlands and the desert.

Morgan Peterson

In It to Win It - A Minute to Win It Challenge

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
As Term 2 came to a close 4th graders were getting their game faces on. By having good behavior and not receiving tickets during term 2 they had earned the privilege to compete in 4th grade's fiercest competition. All four classes would face off in challenges, one minute long, to see who would come out victorious! 4th graders showed their strength during the tissue pull, cup stack and junk in the trunk. They showed persistence in the ping pong bounce and the ice cream drop and they showed creativity during the dizzy mummy and face the cookie.
Jessika Anderson

Habitat Day

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

2nd grade had celebrated their very first Habitat Day! They learned about 6 different habitats, the grasslands, wetlands, ocean, desert, rainforest, and arctic! They learned about traits, plants, and animals from each of the habitats. Ask your 2nd grader what their favorite habitat is and why!