Renaissance Faire

Submitted by lena.bird on

On May 10th the 6th graders here at Meadow Brook had the opportunity to participate in a Renaissance Faire.  The Renaissance Faire was an amazing thing to be able to do. Each student chose an eminent person from the period.  They wrote about person, made a poster, and even dressed the part. Each class also learned a renaissance dance that they performed at the event. “The people got to play a roll and I thought that was a very important for us to be able to do that.” said one student.

Jocelyn in Mrs. Brown's Class

Greek Olympics

Submitted by lena.bird on

Last week on the April 26th, the sixth grade got to participate in the Greek olympics. We were competing as five main city-states; Athens, Argos, Megara, Sparta, and Corinth. For the past few weeks, the city states have been earning points, and the Greek olympics would determine the winning city-state for each sixth grade class.

Presley in Mrs. Gregory's class

Third Grade Culture Day

Submitted by lena.bird on

As a third grade, we had the privilege of “traveling” with Kai’s mom, Mrs. Sheffer, to Japan as a part of our culture day.  What an amazingly beautiful place it is.  Did you know that school starts in April when all the cherry blossoms are blooming?  All students walk to school and take their shoes off when they enter the school.  Mrs.

Emily Sheets