Back to School Open House Details

Submitted by heather.balli on

We are excited to invite you and your family to our Back to School Open House on Monday, August 21st from 4:00p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Please come meet the teachers, greet the principal (for a magnet with the school calendar), tour the school, sign up for PTA, and buy school t-shirts.

Also a reminder that school will start on Tuesday, August 22nd at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m.

Student Registration

Submitted by heather.balli on

July 6, 2017

Meadow Brook Parents,

I hope you are having a fantastic summer! This year as a district we are looking forward to online registration. We hope this will simplify the registration process and make it more convenient for all of you.

Congrats to Platinum Buckle Winners

Submitted by lena.bird on

Students at Meadow Brook have been working hard all year to earn their 'Buckles'.  They do this by passing off their own grade level's fast facts tests.  At the beginning of the year, Mr. Pitcher made students a promise- any student who earned their Platinum Buckle would be entered into a drawing for a Cowboy Pitcher Big Cowboy Hat.  Today Mr. Pitcher made good on his promise.  Our winners received their hat today, but we want to congratulate all Mustangs who earned their Platinum Buckle and remind you all to keep working on those fast facts!

Track Superstars

Submitted by lena.bird on

Our third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students had a great time at the Springville track meet.  They were great competitors and great sports!

Second Grade Water Day

Submitted by lena.bird on

Second graders had a fun "Cruise" day this week.  We spent the morning doing fun activities to review different concepts that we've learned thoughout the school year.  In the afternoon we went outside and played lots of fun games and got WET!  Thank you to all of those parents who came to help us!  It was a fun afternoon!