First and Fourth grades Work Together

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

First-grade think fourth graders are the BEST!!  The fourth grade came and interviewed all of the first graders to get to know them better.  Then they made the best surprise.  They made each student in first-grade little picture books about each individual.  The smiles it brought to first grade were priceless and the books were instantly treasures!!!  Thank you fourth grade!!!

Michelle Leary

Crystal Apple Award Presented to Ms.Caldwell

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Ms.Caldwell was presented with the Crystal Apple Award for the 2022-2023 school year. This award is in recognition of a continued dedication to the faculty and students. Ms.Caldwell is Meadow Brook Elementary’s facilitator. She has been an incredible example of positively impacting others through dedication. She brings a positive energy into the school everyday. Ms.Caldwell takes time to help others and builds their capacities. She will be a principal in the fall and we will miss her dearly.

Visit to Pioneer Village

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Our fourth graders got the chance to visit Provo's Pioneer Village and the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum on Wednesday, April 12th! They learned so much about the way of life of the pioneers. In the museum, we saw many authenticated artifacts that were brought over by the pioneers to Utah when it was first settled. While there, students also got the chance to see how wool is turned into thread!

Taylon Mann

Celebrating Students

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In Miss Christley's class we were able to celebrate the students' awesome behavior at their specialties classes. They earned the reward of a flashlight read. The students were able to bring pillows and blankets and snuggle up with a good book! 

Sarah Christley

Sun Breaks

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

With all of the precipitation we have had lately, 2nd Grade is excited for the moments the sun breaks through and we get to go outside to play. In Ms.Kenison's Class, we love to play with our classmates!

Christine Kenison

Chalk Party

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

First grades end of term party was to make chalk! We also got to use it in an indoor Fun Friday! So much fun! Way to go first graders.

Katie Oman

Learning How to Add in Kinder

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Our awesome full-day kinders are busy learning how to solve addition story problems using the vocabulary “add” and “join.” We added fish to our pond and then joined and counted all our sweet kinder friends. We sure love our little learners!

Alicia Delgado