Compare and Contrast

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Miss Jacklin's class learned about comparing and contrasting last week. This week her class's goal was to find similarities and differences in their lives. Throughout this week students wrote in their journals what they had in common with others and things that were different! These two students found they wore the same outfit one day! 

Janey Jacklyn

Brain Breaks

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In Mrs. Ashman's third grade class we love brain breaks! Brain breaks are a way to take a break from learning and get students' minds to refocus. We get to do brain breaks to get ready for math. Students love to dance, move, and laugh together! 

Maggie Ashman

Digital Citizens

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Computers have been fun this year! We took a pledge to be good Digital Citizens by signing our name on a leaf which will be displayed on the tree in the classroom. The first through third grades pledged to feel with our heart, to stand up with our legs, to listen to our gut, make good tracks with our feet, to balance with our arms, and to think with our heart. The fourth and fifth graders pledged to ask these three questions before posting online. Is it true? Is it kind? Is it you? This year is going to be amazing!

Ali Vanpatten

Fourth grade Fun

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Each Friday fourth graders have a chance to earn a Fun Friday activity. They earn this by turning in their homework and having their work completed in class. Some of the activities we have already done are chalk, jump rope, basketball, kickball, tag, relay races, board games, and art projects. We look forward to having more fun throughout the year! 

Jessika Anderson

Constitution Day

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Mr. Welton (a member of the House of Representatives) and Mr. Hansen (a district math coach) visited Meadow Brook on Constitution Day to talk about the importance of our Constitution. Thank you Mr. Welton and Mr. Hansen! Students gathered around the flag to honor our constitution.