Thank you PTA

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Our amazing PTA put on the best teacher appreciation on this side of the “Miss’ ippi”. This week teachers at Meadow Brook were showed appreciation by getting lunch, having their doors decorated, breakfast burritos, bbq lunch, chili and cornbread lunch, happy trail mix, Jean days, books, gifts, and even a longer lunch time. Thank you to our PTA! We are so thankful to have a team that makes it a warm and great place to be. We have enjoyed seeing them around the skill having a honky tonk time! 

Megan Oropeza

Coding with Colby

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Ms. Craner's class is loving teaching Colby our new favorite coding mouse how to learn like a First Grader.  We loved teaching our coding mouse how to add 3 numbers together and now we taught him how to retell a nursery rhyme.  We are also learning our different coding roles of Navigator, Driver, Designer, and Debugger.  We can't wait to continue to learn and grow with the Colbys in our classroom. 


Karla Craner

Raising Butterflies with Mrs.Anderson

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

We have been exploring the life cycle by raising caterpillars to butterflies! Just this week they hatched from their chrysalis and we got to feed them! We learned what they need to eat and how they eat it. Along with learning about their life cycle, we have been keeping an observation journal to log what we see and the changes that have been occurring in them. We will be releasing them just before spring break! 

Jess Anderson

Preschool has been “Lucky”

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

We had a leprechaun visit and he left us a treat to enjoy! We have also been practicing writing our names. This month we got to have our very own "pet shop" at preschool. We have lots of stuffed animals and we have been feeding them and taking care of them. We have also been using our blocks to build houses and cages.

Trisha Taylor

Exciting lessons in computers

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In first grade we took a virtual field trip to see how items were made. The donuts made us extremely hungry. We also drew amazing pictures on the computer. Second grade we took our animal research from our classroom and are creating an animal report slide show. Third through fifth grade we are learning about finance and will run our own lemonade stand in a game. Will we be profitable? Only time will tell. The students at Meadow Brook are amazing and eager to learn new things. It is a blessing to teach them. Ms Vanpatten

Ali Vanpatten

Thank you PTA

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Thank you Meadow Brook PTA!!!! Mrs. Ware's class is enjoying some great new books from book fair Bingo! 

Kathleen Ware

Fun in P.E

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

So much fun in PE. We've had fun with winter Olympic events, having fun learning fun winter sports, representing countries from around the world and as always having a healthy competition. The Cupid and the leprechaun have visited and left fun clues all around the school for us to find. And we've had a fun March madness basketball activity. Teaching these kids the joys of being healthy and having fun moving your body is so rewarding.

Ali Marshall