5th celebrates reading

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Last month we celebrated Reading Week by reading many books on our own, as a class, and with others throughout the week.  Reading week is so much fun and we get to learn about each others' interests.  In 5th grade, students found a place of their own in the room and read and shared books.  Here are some pictures of us reading!  

Teri Waite


Submitted by megan.oropeza on

If you would like a yearbook, here is how to order. Scan the code in the picture or go to ybpay.com . Enter the code 13488122. Each yearbook is 10 dollars. 

Writing in Mr.Haslam’s class

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

My Haslam’s class is up to it again. The kiddos love writing! This writing assignment the students had to write a narrative about something exciting that has happened in their lives. Stories ranged from breaking bones to Disneyland! 

Kevan Haslam

Meditation Monday

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Mrs Peterson’s 2nd grade class is now practicing their meditation mondays! Each Monday we practice a different type of meditation. We talked about why we meditate, how we meditate, and when we can meditate.

Morgan Peterson

Sign Up NOW for SEPs

Submitted by heather.balli on


It is time to sign up for SEP appointments. Please view the sign-up and find a convenient time for you to meet with your child's teacher. If your student has not been signed up by next Tuesday (the 15th) at noon, you can directly contact your child’s teacher, or your child teacher will set an appointment for him/her. Please read the directions at the beginning of the SignUp Genius Scheduler before scheduling your appointment. If you need assistance, you are welcome to call the school. 

The passcode is: happy


Reading in the hall

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

We decided to take the time to read outside our classrooms in the hallway! Enjoying a good book next to our friends is always a great time! Happy Reading!

Selena Vega

Let it snow!

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

With the cold weather outside, we've been having winter fun indoors during Library! We learned about the Winter Olympics--including a couple of gold-medal skaters from Utah: Erin Jackson and Nathan Chen--then we practiced carpet skating on paper plates. This week, we are reading fun and interesting books about snow, then celebrating by having an indoor snowball fight!

Erin Jolley