Fun Friday

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Every week the fourth grade classes get a reward for turning in homework. Lately, our whole class has been doing a great job turning in homework. So we have had three weeks of everyone getting to enjoy kick ball, four square, hopscotch, and art activities. We are a great class!

Diana Gonzalez

Dissecting Owl Pellets

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
This past week, 3rd grade dissected owl pellets for one of our fun Friday activities! A lot of them were pretty nervous at first and didn't really know what to think about the idea of finding rodent bones in a regurgitated pellet from an owl. However, from the picture you can see it didn't take them long to be fully engrossed in the activity and each one of them loved finding the different bones and pieces of what the owl might have had for dinner that night.
Austin Taylor

First Grade Field Trip

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
 First Grade was excited to welcome Ogden Nature Center this week.  The classes were able to meet via zoom on Tuesday to learn about animals and their adaptations.  We met our new friends Clark the rabbit and Laser the tortoise.  We learned about their special adaptations that help them survive in their habitats.       Then on Wednesday, each class was able to attend an outside field trip!  Members of the Ogden Nature Center traveled down to our school and presented animal learning boxes.  Each box contained different featur
Karla Craner

Mustangs Make a Difference

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

The sock donation drive during Friendship week was delivered this week to Utah Foster Care.  Ian Ledesma represented Meadow Brook Elementary School in delivering the socks to Heidi Naylor from Utah Foster Care.  There were over 200 pairs of socks that were donated to kids in foster care throughout the state of Utah.

Johnny Ledesma

Sign up NOW for SEPs!

Submitted by heather.balli on


It is time to sign up for SEP appointments. Please view the sign-up and find a convenient time for you to meet with your child's teacher. If your student has not been signed up by next Tuesday (the 23rd) at noon, you can directly contact your child’s teacher, or your child teacher will set an appointment for him/her. Please read the directions at the beginning of the SignUp Genius Scheduler before scheduling your appointment. If you need assistance, you are welcome to call the school. 

The passcode is: happy
