Pumpkin Bowling

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This week students welcomed the fall spirit by playing Pumpkin Bowling. Each class has been working to earn a pumpkin bowling game by working hard and reaching for a certain amount of points during specialties. The entire 2nd grade won the Gold! 

Megan Oropeza

Hunting Shapes in Kindergarten

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In kindergarten we are learning about shapes. We are also learning about how shapes are all around us in the world! Meadow Brook students went on a shape hunt around the classroom to find as many real life examples of shapes as they could.

Brittany Dean

PE Fun

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
So far this year PE has been interesting, challenging and different but as always full of fun. The kids have been champs! We’ve had hot weather, smoke filled sky’s and lots of sunshine. The kids have been good sports and have embraced our new situation. It’s been fun to see how well kids adapt to change and how change can be good for all of us sometimes. We’ve played a variety of games, some new games and some old favorites with new twists. Star Wars frisbee, guardians of the galaxy, Spongebob tag, pickle ball and an outdoor circuit training Obstacle course to name a few.
Ali Marshall

Breathe-zy with 6th grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Sixth grade had the opportunity to have Breathe-zy come and teach about healthy lungs. They learned about what helps to keep our lungs healthy, and what harms our lungs. They also got to see examples of what healthy and unhealthy lungs look like. In a couple of weeks, sixth graders will get to dissect real pig lungs. 

Shanlee Arnold

Chalk It Up

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

It’s the beginning of a new month and we still have amazing weather! With Chalk the Block coming up, we decided we would take some practice for this week’s Fun Friday! We loved seeing inspiration before we could create our own drawings. We enjoyed creating art outside on such a nice day and working together on creating masterpieces, some on our own as well! We will be ready for Chalk the Block!

Selena Vega