Team Building

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In 4th grade students learned about working together as a team. In this team building activity, students had to work together to stack cups into a pyramid. The only problem was that they couldn't touch the cups with their hands. The only tools they were given were some string and a rubber band. It took a lot of teamwork and concentration, but everyone succeeded in building a pyramid! 

Alexis Christensen

3rd Grade Creative Notebooks

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

We had a special motivational visitor come and share her love of writing with our 3rd grade classes. Keri Measom-Francis, a professor in the education department at UVU, and author of the children's book, Christmas Underwear, has a passion for "Creative Notebooks". Our students were so excited to create these notebooks with her! Her visit has inspired us to write about our lives and the things that we cherish and love. To prepare for her visit, we personalized the front of our notebooks and then "tabbed" our books into 4 equal sections.

Karen Thomas