Working with our Peers!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
4th grade students in Mrs. Anderson's class have been working on informational writing. So far we have picked our animal, read an article about that animal, highlighted important information, created graphic organizers and are starting to write our first draft. One thing we are really focusing on is taking our "good" writing and making it "better"! Students are peer editing each section of their draft to make sure they have quality writing. We can't wait to see our finished work!Image removed.
Jessika Anderson

Building Bridges

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

STEM activity to go with our story of Pop’s bridge. Two pieces of paper can hold three crayon boxes. Or as you can see, some hold pencil boxes. We discovered the power of folded paper fans!

Diana Gonzalez

Hot Chocolate Papers

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In the 2nd grade, students are learning to look through passages and highlight important or interesting facts they find. They will then use these facts to write an informational paper about hot chocolate. YUMM!

Paris Stewart

Crazy Hair Day

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

These students are crazy about safety!

#meadowbrookmagic #mightymustangs #DiscoverPowerWithin #NeboHero #NeboSchoolDistrict #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTpublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching
Sarah Ledingham

Science Experiments

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
In 5th grade science Mrs. Brown's class is learning about physical and chemical changes.   Students had a great time experimenting with different substances.  It was amazing to see what happened when certain types of crystals were combined with water.  


Phena Brown

Turkey Grams

Submitted by heather.balli on

Our student council is selling "Turkey Grams" during lunch! A turkey gram costs 50 cents and allows you to send a hand-delivered sucker and note expressing thanks to a student or staff member of your choice. Students can purchase 5 for two dollars.

The procedes from this fundraiser go towards sending our student council to a leadership conference at BYU.