Kindergarten's 3D Shape Museum

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Kindergarten students are learning about 3D shapes this week. We practiced by having a 3D Shape Museum. The students used play dough to sculpt different 3D shapes, and then we all walked around and observed each other’s creations.

Mari Kadish

**Meadow Brook Earns $1.50 for each person that takes this survey!

Submitted by heather.balli on

I’m writing to let you know about a unique opportunity you have to weigh in on the future of our community, while also earning funds for our school.

This fall, Envision Utah is helping Utah Valley residents and stakeholders create a vision for the future as we add nearly 1 million people to our population over the next 50 years. This effort – called Valley Visioning – has culminated into the Valley Visioning survey, linked below.

Mustangs Are Kind

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In computers the students have been learning about internet kindness and internet safety. As the discussion progressed the students came to the conclusion that we all need to be kind at home, in the park, on the playground and especially online.  Every student made a pledge to be kind everywhere by signing their name on a paint brush to be displayed. 

Ali Vanpatten

Students Are The Music

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

This month in music, we learned about beat and rhythm. We used tennis balls to try and keep a steady beat and then we reviewed rhythms by acting as the notes in a 4/4 time signature. 

Danna Radford


Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In our class, we have been playing Kahoot. Kahoot is a quizzing game to help you learn and have fun at the same time. We are using Kahoot to help us learn how to divide faster. Kahoot is helping us to do our work really fast and not to get it wrong. It helps us a lot and I see a lot of people use the way of division when they couldn’t at first. People love Kahoot. In Kahoot you get timed and it is really fun to beat the clock. You get to choose your own answer every time.


Kaitlyn Harding in Mrs. Welch's class

Mrs. Wray's Class Gets Creative

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Wray's class has been busy writing autobiographical poems to go with their fabulous self portraits. They also created Pumpkin Book Reports, where they wrote about their favorite character in a book and created a pumpkin that looked just like them!

Morgann Wray

2nd grade Halloween Poems

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Last week second graders learned all about adjectives. They put their new knowledge to use by creating Halloween sense poems. Students described what they see, hear, smell, feel, and taste on Halloween. 

Katie Carrick