Mrs. Marshall Gets Kids Moving!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In PE so far this year Mrs. Marshalls (aka Mrs. Marshmallow’s) classes have hit the ground running, literally! It’s been so exciting being back to school and seeing the kids moving, playing and having fun in class. Its awesome getting kids excited about exercise, health and fun. All of the kids have done several fun activities, various tag games, drums alive and this week they’re conquering circuit training and learning about various movements to work different muscle groups.

Ali Marshall

Computer Skills

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

In kindergarten we have been practicing where the numbers are on the computer keyboard, how to log onto and navigate imagine learning.  In grades 1 - 3 we have been practicing mouse control, learning the basic computer skills and keyboard layout. In grades 4-6 we have been learning how to change font appearance, size and color. 

Ali Vanpatten

5th Grade Book Tasting

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Fifth Grade has dived into reading! We began the year with a book tasting experience. Students learned about all of the different genres and were excited to taste each book and write about them. Book tasting is a great way for students to have an opportunity to see which books spark their interests. Students can’t wait to begin their chapter books after this experience!


Selena Almanza

When Mrs. Luther Comes to Visit

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Once, my class and I were correcting morning work with our teacher Miss Christensen until someone walked in the room. Miss Christensen introduced her, “This is Mrs. Luther, she is  our guest speaker today.” I knew we were going to have fun because Mrs. Luther looked so sweet.  

Paisley Lefler

Mrs. Peterson's 1st Grade Class Works Together

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Peterson's first-grade class has been working hard to create a classroom of learning. They have been learning procedures and doing team-building activities.  Knowing things are always better when they work together. They have been having to use those teams to do some STEM activities. Mrs. Peterson's class has learned this year is going to be great because this class knows how to work together and think critically.

Mandie Peterson

Kindergarten in Full Swing

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Kindergarten is in full swing at Meadow Brook! We've been busy learning all the rules at school, learning the letters in our names and having fun with school activities like our Olympic Assembly and class flag presentation!    
Lolly Hatch