Congratulations Miss Sheets!

Submitted by heather.balli on
Meadow Brook is lucky to have Emily Sheets as part of our Meadow Brook Family! Congratulations Emily for being nominated for KSL's Teacher Feature Award!

Sharpie Art

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
We LOVE art! For the past few weeks we have been working on our portfolios that will hold all of our writing and art for the year. We have loved learning how to do “sharpie art”, on them, and can’t wait to fill our folders with our amazing work!  Lincoln Murphy in our class said, “I had so much fun learning how to do it! I enjoyed picking out my favorite colors, being creative to decide on different designs for the triangles, and hiding my initials in the art. I was so excited to teach my mom how to do it when I got home from school!
Karen Thomas

Fourth Grade Math Review

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Anderson’s class in 4th grade played a game of “Go Shape” to review for their Geometry test. The students practiced identifying and matching- intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines, points, rays, and lastly different polygons and quadrilaterals. Math is fun in 4th grade! 

Jessika Anderson