December 2021

Santa visits Meadow Brook

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Ho, ho, ho, merry Christmas from our littlest learners at Meadow Brook!  Today we had a surprise visitor all the way from the North Pole! He must have heard how hard your kindergartners have been working to learn their letters and sounds before the break. Our class wishes all of our Meadow Brook families a wonderful and safe holiday break, and we can’t wait to be with you in 2022! 

Alicia Delgado

Monday meetings

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Every Monday after school the teachers at Meadow Brook get together to collaborate with their team members. This is a time for teachers to look at data collected in class and evaluate the effectiveness of their instruction. It is also a time for teachers to figure out ways they can help the students in their class learn better. The teachers at Meadow Brook love having time to work together with their team members!

Alexis Christensen

Mrs.Anderson paleontologists

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

For our class field trip, we had the opportunity to go to the BYU museum of Paleontology! Our students had so much fun learning about types of dinosaurs and what they ate! We even got to see what tools they use to excavate and clean the bones! 

Jess Anderson

Third is ready to work for Santa!

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Our 3rd Graders would LOVE to be elves at the North Pole to help Santa. We worked very hard all month learning how to be better writers. While thinking of talents and things that they are good at, they wrote a letter explaining their skills to Santa and why he should "hire" them. It was so much fun-and they were very convincing! 


Here are what some of the students in Ms. Thomas's class said:


"Dear school, we have been working on a "Dear Santa" note! We worked 10 days to finish the note!" --Jayden Reynoso


Karen Thomas

Save Fred!

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

Our second graders got to help save Fred this week! Fred the Worm got trapped in a storm and his boat flipped over! The students had to get a life jacket on Fred using only paperclips. We did great on teamwork and communication! 

Katie Bahr

Internet safety

Submitted by megan.oropeza on

In computers we learned about internet safety. We learned to pause and think while we are online.  We need to stay on safe sites that are just right for us. We need to balance our online life with real life activities. We also learned that we need to keep our private information private.  This includes passwords, address, full name and the city where we live. We also learned we need to stand up to bullies while online and be a good digital citizen.

Ali Vanpatten