All About Jellyfish

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Did you know that a jellyfish doesn’t have a brain?
In our 2nd grade Journeys book, we read all about jellyfish. We learned that jellyfish don’t have brains or hearts and they never know if they’re stinging an enemy or a friend. We then picked 3 facts to share and then stated 2 opinions that we had about jellyfish. Ask your second grader what they think about jellyfish.

Morgan Peterson

Working with our Peers!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
4th grade students in Mrs. Anderson's class have been working on informational writing. So far we have picked our animal, read an article about that animal, highlighted important information, created graphic organizers and are starting to write our first draft. One thing we are really focusing on is taking our "good" writing and making it "better"! Students are peer editing each section of their draft to make sure they have quality writing. We can't wait to see our finished work!Image removed.
Jessika Anderson

Building Bridges

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

STEM activity to go with our story of Pop’s bridge. Two pieces of paper can hold three crayon boxes. Or as you can see, some hold pencil boxes. We discovered the power of folded paper fans!

Diana Gonzalez