Creating Collisions

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

4th graders at Meadow Brook Elementary are building scientific reasoning skills and strategies through this year's SEED Standards. Right now are learning all about energy - how it transfers and what happens when objects collide. 4th Graders in Mrs. Anderson's class designed an experiment to test what happened when balls of different sizes and weights were rolled and hit a water bottle. They chose to use a beach ball, kickball, a little whiffle ball, golf ball, and a bouncy ball.

Jessika Anderson

Mrs. Wray's Class Is Becoming Expert Typers!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Wray's class has been hard at work learning keyboarding. Every day they practice their keyboard ettiquette and typing with their fingers on home row.  They even practiced with a paper on top of their hands so they could practice typing without looking at the keys. They're doing so well, they can now type 16 words a minute! 

Morgann Wray

3rd Grade Is Learning To Type

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Wray's class has been hard at work learning keyboarding. Every day they practice their keyboard ettiquette and typing with their fingers on home row.  They even practiced with a paper on top of their hands so they could practice typing without looking at the keys. They're doing so well, they can now type 16 words a minute! 

Morgann Wray

Learning about Fire Safety in Second Grade!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Last week second graders were visited by Utah County Fire Department and learned about the importance of fire safety. The students got to see all the equipment that the firefighters keep in their trucks and learn about the big water hose!  Second graders then practiced being safe at school with a fire drill so that they all know what to do to be safe in a fire. The second graders had so much fun learning from the firefighters and say a big thank you for keeping us safe!

Sienna Glenn

Beautiful Oops!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Oman’s Class read Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg. We learned that when unexpected things happen, we can make them into something beautiful. We practiced this concept by turning blobs of paint into delightful creations.

Katie Oman

Back to Library

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Meadow Brook students are so excited to get back in the library and check out books! They are being great about sanitizing their hands, wearing their masks, spacing out while they browse and read, and doing everything they can to help keep everybody safe! We have such awesome students!

Erin Jolley

5th Graders Make Scientific Sketches

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
This week in 5th Grade we learned how to make scientific sketches. We learned to have a good scientific sketch they need to be accurate, big, colorful, detailed and explained. (ABCDE) We got to practice our first sketch with a leaf from a fur tree. It was much more difficult than we thought it would be. We worked hard and started to notice lots of details in our leaves. We ended up with some great sketches!


Marina Irwin

One Good Deed

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Today we learned about 9/11. We learned that almost 3,000 people lost their lives and more than 500,000 people were rescued by boats.  All it took was one good deed! Each person in the class tied a ribbon on their finger to remind them to do one good deed! 

Kelsey Mortensne